Isn't our current diet the reason why the current generation is weak?


       In our country India , on Tuesday, December 20th afternoon, there was a different splendor of delicious food spread in the canteen of the Parliament House. But, this time it was different than usual.  Because all the food of that day was prepared from coarse grains.  This special feast was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and the reason for this was that the United Nations declared 2023 as the 'Year of Large Grains'!  Efforts have been started at the level of the government to propagate coarse grains, which are considered 'food of the poor', throughout the country in the coming year, so that people turn to this grain for their daily diet.  It started with a dinner program at Parliament House.  Union Ministers along with the Prime Minister, Leaders of Opposition and MPs from both Houses relished these dishes.  But now it shouldn't be like 'the meal is done, the hands are washed and the host and the guest also forget about work'.  For that, every MP should take creative initiative to increase the production of coarse grains in the coming year.  It can be said that this year has been celebrated in true sense even if we take note of how much is currently sown under coarse grain in our constituency and how much will be added to it in the upcoming coarse grain year to the centre.

        The central government procured coarse grains like sorghum, bajri, ragi, maize and barley at base price in 2020-21.  As many as three lakh farmers got the benefit of this.  12 lakh tonnes of grain was purchased from them.  It is only expected that the number of farmers and the grain produced by them will double in the upcoming 2023 grain year.'  Dr. who received the title of Millet Man of India.  Khader Wali had recently visited Vasudha Sardar's organic farming project at Pargaon (Daund district) on November 19.  At that time, he insisted that, 'poor, small landholding farmers of the country should be discouraged from soybean, cotton and sugarcane crops and encouraged to cultivate coarse grains.'  Actually, it is due to the efforts of this great scientist that the upcoming International Year of Whole Grains is being celebrated.  Crops with a life cycle of only 75 days should be purchased at twice the base price.  For this, if the government is short of money, the industrial sector can appeal for help under CSR.

          Farmers have been as responsible as the agriculture department of the government in forcing out traditional coarse grains and inviting hybrid varieties as well as various physical diseases.  Today our country is becoming the capital of diabetes.  Blood pressure, heart disease patients are increasing in a big way.  Once upon a time our Punjab was a huge granary.  Today it is filled with only carb rich, gluten free wheat, rice.  It is a strange coincidence that nutritious coarse grains are exported from this state and the cancer express of railways starts from there daily to Rajasthan.  While in America, I happened to go to a mall with a friend there.  He paid eight dollars (Rs 640 today) and bought three yellow loaves as a diet to control his diabetes.  On the packet was written.. 'Yellow Bread, Made in India'.  It was yellow bread in an attractive wrapper, I recognized it instantly.  I was disturbed by the fact that this grain exported from our country was being sold in America at the price of gold and we should not know its value.  Why should these grains not get this honor in our motherland?

         Coarse grains are also an effective solution to climate change.  Due to inadequate and improper diet without nutritional value, there are many health problems of children, women, lactating mothers and pregnant women in our country.  Therefore, it is necessary to have plenty of grains along with vegetables in the diet of such women and children.  During Corona, when all the industries were stopped, our farmers were working.  At that time fresh, nutritious food became important to increase immunity, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables used to arrive at our door in the morning.  We should have a sense of gratitude towards the one who worked tirelessly to deliver it to the door.  Pharma companies, drug sellers, hospitals became rich during Corona period, but despite working hard day and night, our victim king remained hungry.  In order to get rid of his debt, why do we buy the coarse grain produced by him at a higher price on occasion?  Therefore, farmers will be encouraged to produce coarse grains.  If the consumption of coarse grains increases in the diet of every family, the health of the soil will also be preserved along with us.  Therefore, it is not a problem to expect that from the upcoming heavy grain year, with the initiative of the Central and State Government, the Department of Agriculture, the efforts of the farmers and the cooperation of all of us, we will start our journey towards a truly 'Suzlam Suphalam' country.

Dr nagesh tekale 

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