15 ऑगस्ट स्वातंत्र्य दिनानिमित्त इंग्रजी शालेय भाषणे August Independence day English speeches For school.


इंग्रज़ी भाषणे

Speech no 1


    Respected chief guest , principal , teachers , parents and all my dear friend . 

     First of all , I wish you a very ' happy independence day : I feel great pride to present this speech .

     This day is the  speech most important day for all of us because on this day in 1947 , we got independence from the British rules . 

       Friends , our great freedom fighters like mahatma gandhi , pandit nehru , lokmanya tilak , lala rajpat rai , Bhagat singh , subhash chandra bose , rani laxmi bhi and many others devoted their entire life for the independence of our country .

      Today, we are fortunate that we are born in an independent country and we have our own fundamental rights . Our freedom is priceless and our have soldiers fight continuously on borders to protect our country .

       Friends , we all know that no nation is perfect , it needs to be made perfect . So it is our responsible to sincerely perform our duty and progress together for the growth and  development of our country . 

     Surely the day is not far when our country will be strong and powerful in every field 

                       Thanks you ! 

                    Jai hind  ,  jai bharat

Speech no 2


        Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

      At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

      India celebrate it's independence day on 15th August . It is celebrate to Remember the day we got freedom from the British Rule in 1947 . Thousand of brave soldiers of the country have sacrificed their lives to get this freedom . Due to these brave heroes , we are living a happy life today  .We should never forget his contribution 

     We must preform all our duties as a responsible citizen and support country 's development . Let us all pledge today to work hard and make our country the strongest economy in the world 

                        Thanks you ! 

                  Jai hind , jai bharat 

Speech no 3

         Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

        At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

     We are proud to be a part of independent india . We are the largest democracy in the world today . 

       Unity in diversity is the speciality of indians . Being proud citizens of our country , we can never forget the importance of 15th August in our history the day india celebrate freedom . 

      It's a day to celebrate our freedom by playing tribute to the freedom fighters who showed immense love , bravery sacrifice and patriotism for their nation and gifted us a beautiful , free india . 

      We , the citizens of india , must pledge to Carry on the legacy to make our country proud . 

     Every year we celebrate independence day on 15th August . Independence day is one of the honorable celebrating of the nation . India got freedom in the year 1947 from the British rule .

    I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity .

                                Jay hind 

                              Jay bharat 

Speech no 4

      Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

     At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

      We celebrate Independence Day as the national festival of India. The Day marks the anniversary of national independence from the British Empire on 15th august 1947.

     Furthermore, it is the most auspicious day for the people of India because India becomes independent after lots of hardships and sacrifices of the brave Indian freedom fighters.

     From that day onwards 15th August become a very important day in Indian history and in the hearts of every Indian. Also, the entire nation celebrates this day with the full spirit of patriotisms .

       I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity . Jay hind jay bharat.

Speech no 5

      Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

     At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

    After the independence, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was chosen as the first Prime Minister of India. Moreover, he unfurled our tricolor flag at the Red Fort in the national capital, New Delhi for the first time.

    From there onwards, every year we celebrate Independence Day at Red Fort New Delhi. In addition, the army performs many tasks that also include a march past cultural programs by school students.

    In addition, we celebrate Independence Day to remember the lives that we sacrificed to gain this freedom. As they are the ones who struggled for our country. Furthermore, on his day we forget our differences and unites as one true nation should. 

    I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity .

  Jay hind 

Jay bharat 

Speech no 6

     Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

     At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

    The youth of our country has the power to change the nation. By means, someone rightly said that the future hinge on to the young generation. Hence it becomes our duty to serve the nation and make every possible effort to make our county better.

    One of the main motives for celebrating Independence Day is to make the young generation aware of the sacrifices we have made to make this country a better place for them.

   Most noteworthy, it tells them how our country got independence from the grasps of the Britishers. And about the sacrifices, our freedom fighter has made for the country. Also, we do it to make our children aware of the history of our country.

    I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity .

  Jay hind 

Jay bharat 

Speech no 7

  Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

   At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

    As you all know that our country got independence from the Britishers on 15th August 1947. That’s why we celebrate Independence Day every year on the 15th of August with great enthusiasm. This year, we are celebrating the 75th Independence Day.

    I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity .

  Jay hind 

Jay bharat.

Speech no 8

    Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

   At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

    Do you know? India didn’t get independence so easily, for this many brave people had lost their lives. Whatever we are doing today is only because of those who laid down their lives.

   Therefore, the day not only brings happiness to us but also brings sorrow. Every year we get sad by remembering that time of our slavery but when we remember our freedom, it erases all our pains and sadness.

        I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity .

  Jay hind 

Jay bharat

Speech no 9

     Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

     At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

            My greetings to all of you, my name is Amaal Malik. I’m very grateful to my class teacher who gave me the opportunity to speak on this day.

    By mistake, if I make mistakes, please give me pardon.

    Today, it has been seventy-five years since India got independence, so we are celebrating 75th Independence Day today. Before independence, the citizens of our country were subjected to so many atrocities which we cannot even imagine. If we are free today, it’s only because of our great leaders and people.

        I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity .

  Jay hind 

Jay bharat

Speech no 10

     Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

     At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

            You all are aware that our country got independence on 15 August 1947. Before the country became independent, we were complete slaves of the British. We had to strictly follow the rules made by them. If we hadn’t done that, we would have been punished severely

     Today’s situation is completely different only because of free India. It has been seventy-five years since we got independence. We all are very lucky that we are born in the land of independent India. Today, we have complete freedom to live freely. No one can keep us as his slave or servant.

        I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity .

  Jay hind 

Jay bharat

Speech no 11 

    Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

    At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

            It’s 15th August today. On this day, We got freedom from British rule. On 15 August 1947, our country was completely freed from the clutches of the British. The day not only reminds us of our slavery to the British but it also reminds those who had liberated the country by sacrificing their lives.

       We fought for the independence of the country from 1857 to 1947, then we got freedom from the cruel British rulers. Today, Independence Day is celebrated as a national festival all over India.

        I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity .

  Jay hind 

Jay bharat

Speech no 12

      Respected principal , Honourable chief guest , teachers parents and my dear friend , 

     At first , let me Wish you all a very ' happy independence day ' my name is ----------- . I am study in class --------- . Today I am hear to present a speech on independence day .

      Today we all are here to acknowledge our privilege of being born in a Free India and celebrate the 75th Independence day of our country. We need to ask those born before 1947, to know the pangs of the anguish of being enslaved under colonial rule. For every Indian in those days, it was indeed a Herculean task to fight against those powerful giants - the British. 

        I would like to stop here thanks for giving me this opportunity .

  Jay hind 

Jay bharat


✍️ श्री सुनिल एन राठोड मुरूम

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